Account Activation and Schedule Upload

First Steps for Account Activation and Data Upload for Schedule Creation


  1. Account Activation
  2. Manual Data Upload
  3. Automatic Data Upload (Recommended Option)

1. Account Activation

Once the Additio App team has activated the account for the schedule generator, all users indicated by the center (those responsible for the schedules) will receive an email where they can activate their user account and set a secure password.

Once they have activated their account, they will be able to access the schedule generator.

To access the schedule generator, go to this link (from a web browser): and enter the email and password.


Data Upload to the Schedule Generator

There are two options to upload data to the schedule generator: manually or via an Excel file (recommended option).

2. Manual Data Upload:

You simply need to click the "+" option in the upper right corner of the screen.

Next, add the basic information to continue configuring the schedule (Schedule Name, Days the schedule will take place during the week, and Date Range) and click Save.

At this point, you will be able to add all the information from the schedule data section: courses, groups, teachers, and classrooms.

To do this, go to the Schedule Data section and simply click the "+" button that appears in the upper right corner of the screen for each of the configurations:


You can add them manually or in bulk by selecting the option you wish at the top:

  • Manually: Enter the course name, subject, minutes/week (total minutes the course is conducted in a week), and lesson duration (the duration and number of sessions we want to conduct weekly, which must match the Minutes/week). You can add as many as you wish by clicking the "Add one more" option. Once done, click Create in the lower right corner.

We recommend using the Minutes/week option for the duration of the courses. The "Hours" option can also be used, but keep in mind that this option represents the total hours of the course throughout the entire course, so it will be much more difficult to plan its weekly duration if we use this field.

Once created, you can always modify them by clicking on each of the fields, as well as add more information and preferences (rooms, teachers, tags, groups...).

You can also customize the display of the columns shown to add any information that is important for your center; for this, you need to click on Edit Columns.

  • In Bulk: First, you need to create the groups in the Groups section. Once you have created them, you can select one or multiple groups and create the same course for all in bulk (for example, Mathematics for all groups).


To add student groups, go to the Schedule Data section > Groups.

You can add as many as you wish by clicking the "Add one more" option. Once done, click Create in the lower right corner.

Important: Use the "Class" option to create student groups. The "Teaching Group" option is used to create "sub-groups" of students, and it is not advisable to use it at this step since these groups will not be used to create schedules.

The external ID field can be left blank if synchronization with Additio App’s academic management is not used. If you want to use it, read this tutorial first.

Once the groups are entered, you can always modify them by clicking on the field you want to edit and entering new ones if necessary.

You can also customize the display of the columns shown to add any information that is important for your center; for this, you need to click on Edit Columns.



Add the information of the teachers in the Schedule Data section > Teachers.

You can add as many as you wish by clicking the "Add one more" option. Once done, click Create in the lower right corner.

Only fill in the external ID if you are using integration with Additio App's academic management.

Una vez introducidos los docentes, podrás modificar el contenido pulsando encima de cada campo siempre que sea necesario, así como introducir nuevos docentes.

Once the teachers are entered, you can modify the content by clicking on each field whenever necessary, as well as enter new teachers.

You can also customize the display of the columns shown to add any information that is important for your center; for this, you need to click on Edit Columns.


Add the information of the classrooms in the Schedule Data section > Classrooms.

You can add as many classrooms as needed by clicking the "Add one more" option. Once done, click Create in the lower right corner.

It is not necessary to fill in the external ID field; this field is only used if spaces are synchronized with other space reservation systems.

Once the classrooms are entered, you can modify their names and settings by clicking on each field whenever necessary, as well as add more classrooms.

You can also customize the display of the columns shown to add any information that is important for your center; for this, you need to click on Edit Columns.

Once each of the components (Courses, Groups, Teachers, and Classrooms) is configured, you can complete the additional information in the Courses tab (adding the teachers to each course, the group, and the corresponding classroom).


3. Automatic Data Upload for the Schedule (Recommended Option):

To perform the bulk upload, you need to complete the data template shown below and then upload it to the platform.

Click the data upload icon on the main page of the generator:

Click the option Download Excel Template to download the data template.

Once you have the document, you need to enter all the following information in different tabs with the same names as the titles that appear in the images:

  • Names of the Teachers (Teachers Tab): Add one teacher per row in the Name column. The name must be unique and match exactly with the name we will later enter in the "Courses" tab.

Leave the ID and External ID columns blank if synchronization with Additio App is not used. If synchronization is used, fill in the External ID column (read this tutorial).

  • Names of the Groups (Groups Tab): The groups are equivalent to complete groups/classes. Do not create split groups as they are handled differently within the application.

    Write one group per line (1ESO A, 1ESO B, 1ESO C...). The group name must be unique and match exactly with what we will later enter in the "Courses" tab.

    For all groups, enter the value 1 in the Class column.

Leave the ID and External ID columns blank if synchronization with Additio App is not used. If synchronization is used, fill in the External ID column (read this tutorial).

  • Names of the Classrooms (Hallways Tab): Add one classroom per row. The name of the classroom must be unique and must match exactly with the name we will later enter in the "Courses" tab.

It is not necessary to fill in the ID and External ID columns.

  • Course Information (Course Base Tab): Add all the courses for the schedule, detailing to which subject they belong, which teacher teaches them, how many minutes per week they are conducted, how many sessions are held weekly, and in which classroom the course takes place. The data entered in the Group, Teachers, and locations columns must match exactly with the tabs 'Teachers,' 'Groups,' & 'Locations.'

  • Configuration Information (Preferences Tab): Only edit this number if the center has more than 5 days of classes a week (for example, if classes are held from Monday to Saturday, enter 6).

Once the data is completed in the template, it can be uploaded to the platform. Access the Schedule section and select the cloud icon with the arrow to upload the document.

Once you select the option, you will need to upload the document you have configured and enter the start and end date information with their corresponding name.

Configure the schedule name and start and end dates.

In the last step, you can preview all the data, and if there are any errors in the template, they will be shown on this screen.