Managing Schedule Warnings

How to manage the various warnings once the schedule is generated. Learn about the different types of warnings and how to resolve the most common alerts.


  1. Critical Warnings
  2. Significant Warnings
  3. Minor Warnings


The warning panel will help you ensure that the schedule is free from errors. This panel is available within the Schedule Editor section.

The warning panel will help you ensure that the schedule is free from errors. This panel is available within the Schedule Editor section.

Warnings in this panel may appear during schedule generation or later while editing. If the schedule is generated with warnings pending review in Data Analysis, the number of warnings may be high. If the schedule is correctly generated, the number of warnings is usually very low.

These warnings are dynamic and appear or disappear as changes are made in the Schedule Editor.

There are three levels of warnings:

  • Critical Warnings: These should be reviewed as they may have a significant impact on the schedule.
  • Significant Warnings: It is advisable to review them, but often they do not prevent the schedule from being published.
  • Minor Warnings: These are usually less important and do not typically affect the schedule.

Critical Warnings

Critical warnings are classified into different categories:


This type of warning occurs when a teacher or group has two or more classes at the same time or when a class is scheduled during a blocked or prohibited time.

These are the most important warnings to review, as a schedule cannot be finalized if there is a warning of this type.

To identify collisions, click on the warning.

Once inside, all collision warnings will be displayed. By clicking on each one, you can see the details of the sessions causing the warning.

In this example, a class collides with another class.

Once resolved, the warning will disappear from both the left section and the warning counter.

Collisions often occur when a teacher has too many sessions or limited availability. In some cases, it may be necessary to move more than one element to find a viable solution. The generator always tries to reduce collisions to zero during generation, but sometimes, due to the restrictions entered, generating some may be inevitable.

Double Booking

This warning occurs when a space (classroom) is booked for two or more classes simultaneously.

To identify double bookings, click on the warning.

Once inside, all double booking warnings will be displayed. By clicking on each one, you can see the details of the sessions causing the warning.

In this example, two classes are using the same classroom at the same time. To resolve this, click on one of the sessions and select the conflicting classroom on the right (marked in orange).

A pop-up window will show all available rooms (on the left), highlighting those unavailable in orange and those available in white. Simply drag an available space to the right and assign it to the session.

Once done, the warning will disappear, and the problem will be resolved.

This change will automatically update the Schedule Data.

Double bookings often occur when a space is overloaded with more classes than it can accommodate based on its availability. A good practice to avoid this is to assign multiple possible spaces in the Schedule Data, giving the generator more options for class allocation.

Prohibited Day

This warning occurs when a session is scheduled on a day when the teacher, group, or classroom is unavailable.

To resolve it, there are two options:

  • Modify the restriction preventing availability on that day (in the Schedule Data).
  • Move the session to another available time slot without a restriction.

If we select the session, we see that there are no available slots, as everything is marked in red (if a slot were available, it would be shown in white).

We can move one of Yolanda's other sessions to create a free slot, ensuring that the 3rd-year group is also available on Wednesday. Another option is to remove the teacher’s restriction, allowing her to teach on Mondays. Once this change is made, the problem will be resolved, and the warning will disappear.


Schedule Frame

This warning appears when a session is scheduled outside the schedule frame for the group, teacher, or classroom. The schedule frame is set through Schedule Configuration (default values) and also in the Schedule Data.

To resolve this warning, it is recommended to either modify the time frame or move the session to a time slot within the allowed frame. It's important to understand whether the limitation is caused by the group, teacher, or classroom.

Missing Teacher and Group

This warning occurs when a session has no assigned teacher or group. To resolve it, you can assign the teacher or group directly from the Data Editor or Schedule Data, and the warning will disappear.

If you intentionally want a session without an assigned teacher or group, you can simply ignore the warning.


Significant Warnings

Break Duration

This warning appears when the configured break durations between sessions for teachers, groups, or classrooms are not respected in the Schedule Configuration (default values).

To resolve it, you can modify the break configuration or move the session to a time slot that respects the breaks.

Time Margin

This warning appears when the configured time margin between sessions is not respected in the Schedule Data (at the course level).

To resolve it, modify the break configuration at the course level or move the session to a time slot that respects the breaks.


This warning occurs when a teacher or group exceeds the weekly hours configured. For example, if 40 weekly hours are configured, and a teacher works 41 hours, the warning will appear for that teacher or group.

To resolve it, you can edit the total weekly work hours or remove sessions from the teacher or group that is exceeding the hours.

Daily Overtime

This warning occurs when a teacher or group exceeds the daily hours configured. For example, if 8 daily hours are configured, and a teacher works 9 hours on one or more days, the warning will appear.

To resolve it, you can edit the daily work hours or remove sessions from the teacher or group exceeding the hours.

Course Grouping

This warning occurs when two classes of the same course are scheduled on the same day. For example, a math class for 1st-year students is scheduled at 10 AM and another at 3 PM. This would trigger a course grouping warning.

To resolve it, move one of the sessions to another available time slot on a different day.

In some cases, having two classes of the same course on the same day may not be an issue. For instance, if a course requires six classes a week, it is inevitable that two will occur on the same day. In this case, you can ignore the warning.

Minor Warnings

Total Event Duration

This warning appears when a class or lesson has less duration than what is configured at the course level (in the Schedule Data).

For example, if the course configuration specifies a 25-minute session, and it’s not scheduled, the warning will indicate that 25 minutes are pending for the course.

This may happen if courses were added to the Schedule Data after the generation process.

To resolve this, schedule the session or adjust the Schedule Data (if the session does not need to occur).

Event Duration

This warning occurs when a session has a different duration than what is configured in the Schedule Data.

This warning usually arises when the session duration is edited in the Schedule Data after it has been placed on the schedule (with an initial different duration).

For example, if a session originally lasted 25 minutes and was later edited in the Schedule Data to 210 minutes, the warning will indicate a 185-minute difference.

To resolve this warning, update the session duration to match (either in the editor or in the Schedule Data), ensuring both match.

Overlapping Lessons

This warning appears when two lessons of the same course overlap, meaning they coincide for a few minutes on the same day.

This error usually occurs when sessions are manually moved in the Schedule Editor.

To resolve it, move one of the conflicting sessions to a free time slot so that they don’t overlap, and the warning will disappear.