Enrollment module

In this article, we will cover all the key aspects you need to consider about the enrollment module of Additio App.

Table of contents

1. Configuration of the Public Portal

2. Configuration of the Enrollment Processes

      2.1. Understanding the Environment
      2.2. Creating an Enrollment Process
      2.3. Creating the Form
      2.4. Publishing the Enrollment Process

3. Enrollment by Students and Families

4. Viewing and Managing Applications

5. Permisos según roles de usuario


The Additio App's enrollment module allows you to automate and customize the enrollment process at your educational institution, simplifying tasks and saving time and resources.

Note: This is an additional module to the Additio for Schools license. If you wish to activate it, please contact us at info@additioapp.com.

1. Configuration of the Public Portal

The enrollment module allows the creation of enrollment and registration processes that families and students can access through a public portal. On this portal, they can register for active processes and view their applications.

The first step before creating any enrollment process is to correctly configure the public portal, which will be visible to families and students.

The enrollment portal can be configured in Menu > Settings > Enrollments > Enrollment Portal.

A window will open with several options:

  • Public Link: In this section, you will need to choose the link text, which will identify your institution and/or your enrollment process. For example: "princetonschool".

Note: The link name cannot contain uppercase letters, symbols, numbers, dashes, or spaces. Only lowercase letters are accepted. 

You can also configure the portal's title and subtitle.

  • Design and Structure: In this section, you can configure the background and title/subtitle colors. You will also have the option to include the logo in the portal header.

  • Preview: This option allows you to see the changes being applied.

Once you save, the enrollment portal will be configured and visible. You can visit it through the link generated by clicking on "Preview."

2. Configuration of the Enrollment Processes

Creating enrollment and registration processes at your institution is very easy, let's see how!

The section to create enrollment processes is located in Menu > Enrollments.

2.1. Understanding the Environment

The enrollment environment has several interesting features to know:

  • List of Enrollment Processes: This is where the different processes you have created appear, with essential information such as the title, description, status (draft, published, or closed), the number of available spots, whether the number of applications is limited, and the opening and closing dates of the process. Additionally, for each enrollment, you can see the edit pencil and the visualization of received applications.

Note: The option to view received applications is only active for published enrollments. Those in draft do not have this option. 


  • Status Filter: Just above the list of enrollments, you will find a filter to sort by status. The available statuses are Draft, Published, and Closed.

  • Title or Description Search: This allows you to quickly find enrollments by their title or description.

  • +: The + symbol allows you to create a new enrollment process.


2.2. Creating an Enrollment Process

To create and customize a new enrollment process, simply click on the + symbol at the bottom right.

This will open a "New Enrollment" window. You must fill it out with the required information. Don't forget to save!

  • Title: Give your enrollment a title. For example: "1st Grade Enrollment."

  • Description

  • Status: You can indicate whether the enrollment is in draft, published, or closed. A draft enrollment means it is not published on the public portal and is not yet visible to families. A published enrollment is visible to families. Once closed, it no longer accepts applications.

NOTE: Once an enrollment is changed to the published status, it cannot be reverted to draft. A published enrollment can only be changed to closed. 

  • Opening Date: This must be the current date or later, but never earlier.

  • Deadline

  • Places: Indicate the number of spots offered for this enrollment.

  • Limit requests amount: If limited, no more applications will be accepted once the available spots are filled. If not limited, applications will continue to be received.

  • Access the Form: This provides access to the form that families need to fill out.


2.3. Creating the Form

When creating the form, you need to fill out three types of fields. Let's take a look:

  • General Information
This includes basic information about the student. Some fields are preset and cannot be modified (name, surname, ID number, and email).

Additionally, new fields can be created to request general information about the student, such as their address, the names of their guardians, special educational needs...

These new fields can be created by clicking on the "+". You will be asked if you want to create a completely new field or link it with existing fields in the institution. This refers to custom fields in the student record that you have previously created.

The customizable fields can be of various types, as shown in the following image:

  • Form Questions

In this section, you can configure the actual form questions. They are fully customizable, and you can distinguish between form steps, form sections, and form questions.

Sections and questions can be moved, duplicated, or deleted. The arrow next to the section allows you to expand the different questions within the section.

Questions can be mandatory or not, and there are different types of questions:

    • Single selection
    • Multiple selection
    • Order of preference selection
    • Free text
    • Informative text
    • Informative file
    • File upload

  • Internal Fields

Internal fields are for the institution's internal use and will not be visible to those who wish to enroll. This section is directed at the evaluators of the enrollment applications, who can fill it out with information for the institution.



2.4. Publishing the Enrollment Process

Once the enrollment is configured, to publish it on the portal, you must change the status from Draft to Published. The system will request confirmation.

Once published, it will be visible on the public portal, and applications can be viewed.


3. Enrollment by Students and Families

Once there are published enrollment processes, families will see them on the public portal and can enroll.

On the portal, families will see open enrollments (which they can register for if they wish) and "My Enrollments," which are processes they have already enrolled in. The latter cannot be edited, but families can view the application they submitted.


Note: By entering the student's name, email, and identifier in an enrollment process, the family account is created. With the email and identifier, families can later log in to review their applications. Additionally, a confirmation email of the received application is sent to the provided email address.


When entering an enrollment process, families can fill out the information and questions. Once they click "Finish and Submit," the system will remind them that it cannot be edited afterward and will confirm with the families.


finalizar matricula

Once confirmed, the system will send a confirmation of the preinscription.

Families will also receive a confirmation email at the email address they provided in the enrollment.

4. Viewing and Managing Applications

To view and manage applications within an enrollment process, the institution needs to click on the corresponding symbol:

Once inside, this is what you will see:

  • List of Students Who Have Submitted an Application: With information about the status (enrolled, application received, etc.)

Note: The types of status that a student's application can have are as follows. This can be changed by selecting the student and clicking on Actions. 


  • Occupied places: Through a progress bar.

  • Status Filter: Applications can be filtered by status.

  • Student Search

  • + Symbol: The institution can register an application as if it were a family.

  • Application Review: The application evaluator can review the application, fill in the internal fields, and change the status. Additionally, by clicking on the icon next to it, they can send a comment about the decision.

If the option Actions > Send Application Status is selected, families will receive an email with information about whether their application has been accepted or denied.

Note: The application status can be changed, even after an application has been denied, while it is published. Once closed, no changes can be made.


5. Permissions according to user roles

The entire enrollment section can be managed totally or partially through the user roles.

In the user roles configuration section, you can define for each type of role the permissions it has regarding enrollments.

By default, the administrator will have access to all functionalities. However, permissions can be granted to other roles. The permissions are as follows:

  • Enrollment visualization: allows you to visualize the enrollment processes that have been created in the center, but not to create or edit them.
  • Enrollment creation: allows you to create and edit enrollment processes.
  • Change status of applications received: allows you to change the status of applications received (application received, pending student, application denied, enrolled, etc.).
  • Complete and create enrollment applications manually: allows the user to enter an enrollment application manually into the system, i.e. not made by the student or family.
  • Send notification of resolution of applications received: allows the user to send notifications to students and/or families about the development and resolution of their applications.