One of the tasks of the management team is the supervision of curriculum compliance in the teachers' class sessions and these can be developed from the didactic units and projects section. This section will allow the teacher to set out the curricular specification and the didactic sequencing of their units.
In order to speed up this supervision, you can view the didactic units from the centres panel. To access the didactic units, all you have to do is access the centres panel and select from the main menu the section: Didactic units and projects.
When you access this section, you will see the lesson plans created by the school's teachers divided by subject or area. You will also have it divided by level.

Accessing within one of the levels and subject or area, you will find all those plannings that are related. In it you will see the title and the author of the planning.

By clicking on the planning, you will be able to visualise all the curricular details, the skills part and the didactic sequencing. It will also allow you to print it