Let's get started: group creation, students import, basic settings

Learn how to create groups, import students and photos, and manage groups.


      1. Group creation

      2. Students import

      3. Delete, store in the cloud and hide groups

      4. Store groups in the cloud

Group creation: 

The first step to start using Additio is to create the group you're working with and importing the students of the given group. This step is vital to assess properly. 

group-class is the minimum group management unit, and it is essential to manage your students. A group-class must be created according to each level, group and subject.

Example: Let's imagine now you are a Maths and English teacher with Year 4-A and Year 4-B. In this case, you need to create 4 groups:

  • Maths A - Year 4
  • Maths B - Year 4
  • English A - Year 4
  • English B - Year 4 

To create a group-class click on Evaluation and groups and, after that, on the + button on the lower right hand side and fill in the required field about group settings and schedule.

Students import: 

Once you have created your group, you need to import the students you're working with in each group. 

Additio offers you several options to import students, choose the one that makes it easier for you. 

In the video below, you'll find two different options to import students: 

1- Create the group and click on Import students to import from:  

  • Base group: you can drag the students already imported in Center's base groups (option only available for Center's users).
  • Excel: you can select an excel file with student details to upload data massively.  
  • Existing group: you can import students you already added in another group. To do this you just have to select the origin group and the students you want to import to the new group. 
  • Add students: you can add the names and surnames of your students manually. To add more students, press Enter or the tab key. 

With Import students and pictures you can also upload your students pictures massively: either with an identification number or facial recognition. (We suggest to upload reduced size pictures and sharply focus, as a group picture). 


2- In Evaluation and groups you can either click with the right button on the + button or on the 3 vertical dots on the upper right hand side to import students from the different LMS you work with. 

These options allow you to import students already existing on Teams, Classroom or Moodle, just by choosing the group that will pop-up in a new window once you choose one of these options.

Once you've chosen your option, select the students you want to import and start working with your assessment. 

Integration with Google Classroom

Integration with Microsoft Teams


NOTE: When you're about to import the groups, it's important you log in to the LMS you work with for identification.

Additio App is a platform that is perfectly integrated with the most powerful LMS, you can either import students or assessment.   


Delete, store in the cloud and hide groups

To delete or hide groups you'll have to access the 3 vertical dots menu and select Edit group. There, you only need to click Actions and you'll see Delete, Store in the cloud and Hide options.


Store groups in the cloud:  

Store in the cloud option allows you to reduce memory usage and speed the app up.

You can choose this option for groups you no longer use (for example, previous courses). It is a great and safe way to store the groups in the cloud and free up your tablet and account storage.

Access the List of groups from the main menu. Click on the 3 vertical dots and choose Store groups in the cloud. 

When you click on the group you want to store in the cloud, a confirmation message will pop up, to confirm you want to store the group in the cloud. 

NOTE: Once you've stored the groups, synchronize the app in the linked devices to prevent any modification in the groups already stored. 

You can also click on the option Show hidden groups to see the list of groups you have stored in the cloud.


NOTE: You can only see the groups stored in the cloud from the website. This is not possible in the app as this option is intended to reduce memory usage.  


Although you can store groups in the cloud either on the app or on the website, the option to unstore a group is only available in the website as this is where all the data is stored. To unstore a group you just have to click on Store groups in the cloud and click on the one group you want to unstore. Once you accept, the group will be unstored and it will be available again as the rest of the groups. 

In this video you'll see the different steps we've explained in this tutorial: