Getting familiar with conditionals to custom your gradebook

Apply conditional colors, work with conditional values and icons, and round evaluations with Additio App.


1. Conditional colors

2. Conditional values and icons

3. Round up a student's grade


Conditional colors:

Here you can see how to set conditionals. It's quick and easy: 

Conditional values and icons:

Similarly, for conditional values and icons you must also set the proper values for an specific text to be displayed. 

You can set the conditional values from any column. However, if you prefer to use the same conditional for different columns and groups, the best option is to set the conditional values on Assessment tools > Conditional values. 

First of all, you need to choose whether you want to use a text value or an icon value: 


To explore the possibilities, a practical case: 

Let's imagine you want a text to know if the student has passed or failed next to the final grade. 

First of all, on Types of evaluation > Conditional values and click on the + button to set the conditionals: 


Save the changes and go to the group, create a new column and select Conditional values: 


When you click on Set up, you'll be able to set your conditional values, but you're going to use the conditional value previously defined. So, instead, choose the Select conditional value option below. Select the one you've just created and the gaps will be automatically filled . Then press Save. 


Round up a student's grade: 

If you want to round up a grade, you can enable this option when you create a new column or if you've already created the column, you can do it either way. 

You just need to click on the name of the column with the right button, and a menu will emerge. There, choose the Edit option.



In Edit, there's the rounding option, it is disabled by default, but you can activate this option and use it whenever you find it most convenient.