Create rubrics and explore all the possibilities

Rubrics help you in evaluation, and with Additio App you have multiple options to make them your allies in the classroom.


1. Create rubrics

      1.1. What is a rubric or assessment matrix? 

      1.2. Rubric practical case

2. Self-assess and Co-assess

      2.1. Self-assessment

      2.2. Co-assessment

3. Export and print rubrics 

      3.1. Export rubric

      3.2. Export completed rubric

      3.3. Export rubrics of a single student


Create rubrics

What is a rubric or assessment matrix? 

A rubric is a specially useful assessment tool in class when assessing complex, undefined or abstract issues. 

It can be used to assess the level of achieved learning by the student on particular knowledges and skills, it is also a great support to consider everything involved in the learning process, the achievement level itself or the quality of the work carried by the students. 

Here you have a practical case to comprehend all the possibilities: 


Rubric practical case: 

Let's imagine you assess out of 10 and you want to create a rubric to assess an activity on Reading skills for the Literature group. 

Go to Assessment tools > Rubrics. Then, press the + button to create a new rubric. In the new window write the name of the rubric and define the number of columns and rows according to the assessment values. 

In addition, you must define the Type of result of the rubric: Sum, Percentage or Average. Set the width of the columns, the height of the rows and choose if you want to use the same percentage on them (share the same percentage weight). 

In our case, this is the setting of the rubric: 

- 4 columns y 4 rows

- Type of result: Average

- Deactivate the option Use the same percentage in the rows

- Activate the option Use the rubric's max value and in Rubric's max value we add 10.

When you press Save a new chart will emerge where you'll need to fill the requested fields: Title, Mark, Description and % on each row: 

- Left column: it refers to evaluation criteria, the didactic goals (what you want the student to learn). 

- The top column: to define the values that prove the learning or acquisition level achieved in a given criteria. Moreover, to visually identify the different levels, there's a bar from green to red, where green is the best grade and red the worst. 

- Central cells: to describe each level of performance (descriptors).


Once every single field is filled, press Save.

You can delete columns and rows of a rubric by pressing long on the title of the column or row from the app version or right click on the title of the column or row on the website.

Once you have created the rubric you can assign it to a column of the gradebook, in this case Literature. Once you're inside the group, create a new column to assess Learning skills. To do this in Type of evaluation > Rubrics and select the rubric you've created from the list, then press Save. 


If you click on the cell of the first student listed, the assigned rubric to this column will appear, so you'll be able to assess each student by clicking on the corresponding cell of the rubric where the value is. The cell will be highlighted with the related color according to the bar at the top. 



Once you've selected the descriptors, the corresponding grade will appear on the gradebook.

If you want a final grade according to percentages of the trimester, create a new column with Type of note > Calculations > Weighted means and define a specific percentage for each column.


You can find more information on rubrics here

Self-assess and Co-assess

When you click right on the + button to create a new column, you can create new columns for self-assessment and co-assessment with rubrics. 


NOTE: Self-assessment and Co-assessment options are available only on website.



When you click on Self-assessment a new window will emerge. There you need to write the title of the column and choose the rubric you want to use for students to assess themselves. You can also choose whther you want the rubric grade to be displayed or not when assessing. You must click on Save to create the column.  



Once saved, a new message will pop up to choose if you want to send the link with the self-assessment rubric to all the students, the name of the students that do not have an email related will be displayed. When you press Yes to continue, the emails with the self-assessment rubrics will be sent to those with an email address in their student file. 


When you select Co-assessment a new window will emerge where you can choose how the students will be assessed and if the assessment will be carried out by the classmates or the families. 



First of all, you need to write the title of the column and choose the rubric that will be used. You can also choose whether you want the rubric grade to be displayed or not. Then, you can choose the number of students that are assessing the student, and a selection of students to assess the same student will be automatically materialized.


You can add more students clicking on + button, or assigning them again randomly by clicking on the circular arrow. 


You can also delete co-evaluators by clicking on the cross icon next to the name of the evaluator. 

Once completed, you just need to press Send. 

NOTE: In red the students with no email related.


Students with more than once co-assessment rubric to assess will get a unique email with all the related links of the rubrics that require assessment. 

If you choose more than one student to co-assess among the classmates, the option Add average column will be highlighted, and a new column will be added to calculate the average of the different evaluations the student got. 


Manual co-assessment: 

Similarly, first you need to select the title of the column and the rubric that will be used. You can choose manually who assesses a particular student, you just have to introduce the email in the corresponding field.



Once completed, click on Send. 



Students' responsible can assess too. It is required that the email of the responsible is filled in the student file, if not a message will pop up to notify there is no email related. 

To send the assessment, you must write the title and select the rubric used, the same that happens with the other types of evaluation. The responsible email will be displayed in the corresponding field, while for those who do not include an email, you can add them manually. 

Once completed, you just need to press Send. 

When you send self-assessments or co-assessments, your students will get a link with the rubric they will use to assess themselves or a teammate. Once they get the email, they only have to open the link, fill the rubric and press Send, the grade for the student and the completed rubric will be displayed on the corresponding cell. 

Once the evaluations are done, you can right click on the cell and click on Comment, you'll be able to see the hour and day when the assessment took place and the related updates. In Co-assessments the name of the student or responsible who assessed is displayed too. 


Export and print rubrics 

You can export rubrics to show them to the students, either the original rubric or the assessed rubric once completed.


Export rubric

To export you just need to access Assessment tools > Rubrics and click on the created rubric. Then, click on Actions > Export. 



When you press Export a new window will emerge with a previsualization, please consider your browser may have blocked it. In this case, you need to allow to open new external windows.  

Once opened you'll be able to print or download a PDF with the rubric. 


Export completed rubric

To export or print rubrics you just need to right click on the column on the column where the completed rubric is and select Export. 



When you press Export a new window will emerge with a previsualization, please consider your browser may have blocked it. In this case, you need to allow to open new external windows.  

Once opened you'll be able to print or download a PDF with the rubrics.



NOTE: This option is only available on the website. 


Export rubrics of a single student

You can export all the rubrics of a single student in a particular tab.

You just need to click right on the name of the student and select Rubrics option.



When you press Rubrics all the assessed rubrics will be exported in PDF file.



- This option only displays rubrics in the same tab. 

- This option is available only on the website.