Distribution and assessment with Seating plan

Learn how to use the class seating plan for attendance and evaluation, and find out how to choose a random student.


1. How to use Seating plan

2. Assessment and attendance from the Seating plan

3. Random student


How to use Seating plan:  

With Seating plan option you can freely distribute the students in the classroom and create workgroups.

To access the Seating plan, you just need to click on Others, at the top of the screen, and select the Seating plan option in the drop-down menu.

When you select this option, the picture and the full name of the students of the group will be displayed. Below you can find details about its most important features:

  • Modify the students' distribution: When you press long on each student, you can move it wherever you want. Keep the name of the student selected and drag it to the desired position. 

  • Highlight student: When you press on a student, the selected student will be highlighted over the rest.

  • Hide student: When you right-click (double click on the app version) on the name of a student, there's the option to hide the student from the Seating plan.

Once hidden, you can display the student again on the three vertical dots > Show hidden students.

Unlike the rest of the class, the hidden student will be displayed in a slight opacity. You can show the student again by clicking on the name and Show student. 

  • Magic wand: you can choose a student randomly. 

  • Drop-down tab: next to the group name, you'll be able to access, create and edit the seating plans you wish to. Use + button to add as many plans as needed. On Edit, you can sort, delete and rename the diferent tabs. 


By clicking on the 3 vertical dots on the top right hand side you can export the seating plan as PDF. 


NOTE: At the bottom on the right side you'll find the Zoom button to zoom in students pictures. 

In the app, you can zoom in by gliding two fingers at the same time as if pinching, zooming in or out accordingly.


Assessment and attendance from the Seating plan: 

From the seating plan you can also track attendance and assess your student.

In order to do this, click on Others and then Seating plan.  

When you're inside the seating plan option, you can select columns on the bottom of the screen. Here, you can select the tab and column you want to use to assess or track attendance.

Once you've selected the tab, all the created columns will be displayed, click on the column you want to use and some circles will appear on the upper right corner of the student, there you can either see the grades or assess the student. It's a great option to consider the whole picture. 

To track attendance, click on the Attendance tab. You will be able to use the existing columns or create a new one with + button. 

Once the attendance column is created, all the students will be displayed with the icon related to attendance. Click on it to modify the attendance value. 

Random student:

You can choose students randomly, with no repetition. You can activate this functionality on Settings > Random student: completed cycle. 

Once activated you can use the random student option by clicking on Others > Random student.

NOTE: The magic wand will be displayed next to the name of the students already picked. 



NOTE: You can restart the cycle of random student as many times as you want. You only need to go to the three vertical dots > Students > Restart cycle random student.