Manage and modify your schedule, calendar and holidays

Easily create the schedule, manage the calendar and set up holidays with Additio App.


1. Create a schedule

2. Calendar

3. Choose your groups on Timetable and Calendar

4. Set your holidays

Create a schedule:

Here you can find a video tutorial with the different steps to effectively set up your schedule:



Different schedule according to the month or a week schedule A-B: 

Once you create a group-class, some fields need to be filled in order to make the most out of the app. One of them is, for example, the class schedule, this is the option to automatically set the schedule for your course. 

For this reason, it is significant to define the start and end date of the course and set the days you teach the subject with the group.

Now, we will explain you how to set the schedule that changes according to the month and how to set a schedule with weeks A-B, or so to speak, a schedule that may vary according to the week.


Case study 1: a different schedule according to the month

Let's imagine you teach a subject to a group on Mondays but the schedule is not the same throughout the course, i.e. in September and June we have a specific schedule but for the rest of the course the schedule is another one: 

September: 15-16h

October to May: 11-12h

June: 16-17h

If you want these changes to be displayed in your schedule this is how you can set it: 

The first step is to create a group-class and define on Start date and End date the date range corresponding to the first and last day of class.


After that, there is the Class Timetable section where you can define the days of the week you teach this class.

Here you must create 3 Mondays (one per month) by clicking on the + button and enter the corresponding schedule on the gear symbol.


After, you must click on the gear of each one again and set its Start and End dates, in order to define the changes affecting September and June.


Once defined, press Save. It will be displayed both on Timetable and Calendar.

NOTE: It is vital that dates perfectly match, otherwise it will not be displayed properly. 


Case study 2: two week schedule (A-B)

Two week schedule (A-B) meaning the frequency of class repetition, i.e. a week when a new activity is carried out. 

As an example, now we'll imagine we teach Biology two days a week. Mondays and Fridays is theoretical class but every two weeks, the Friday class is in the lab.

To set our schedule we have to define the start date and end date for the entire course.


In Class timetable section you can define your teaching days with the group.

Here you'll be required to introduce weekdays you teach your class, in this case, on Mondays and Fridays. As we've have mentioned, every two Fridays we teach in the lab so you have to create in the Class timetable one Monday and two Fridays.


On the first Friday, click on the gear button and define in Repetition field that it is taught Every 2 weeks starting the first one (A).


We will do the same on the second Friday, with the difference that in this case in Repetition we select Every 2 weeks starting the second one (B) and, to easily differentiate it on the timetable, write Lab in the Classroom field.


Once defined, press Save and if we access to the Timetable and Calendar view, we could see it.


From the main menu you can access to Calendar and resources > Calendar to control the events in your teaching plan. 

The calendar offers two different views: weekly and monthly.


Weekly view:

All the events and sessions you have scheduled in a particular week are displayed. 

By clicking on the options on the right side of the session’s title, you can:

- Access the group that corresponds to this session.

- Edit the event. With this option you can modify the event, schedule an alarm, link a resource or create a note linked to the event.

- View the plan you have programmed for a session. This option appears if you have a session programmed in the group’s scheduling.

- Create or Edit a note that will be linked to the event.

With the calendar icon that appears in the top right hand corner, you can access a particular week and create a new event with the + button. With the arrow keys on both sides, you can move from week to week, backwards or forwards.


Monthly view:

All the events and sessions you have in a particular month are displayed. 

By clicking on the title of the event, you can edit it in case you need to modify the time or date, also if you need to schedule an alarm. You can also add a note, link a resource or access the group in case you are working on a class session.


NOTE: If you have holidays in the given month, those days are displayed in red. 


Similar to the weekly view, with the calendar icon that appears on the right side, at the top, you can access a particular month and create a new event with the + button. With the arrow keys on both sides you can move from month to month, backwards or forwards.


From the group:

You can also access the weekly calendar from the group by clicking on the icon that appears at the right bottom side of the group, on the three vertical lines drop-down button. You can see the events and the sessions you have scheduled that week for that specific group. You can view the session programmed in the planning, edit the event or create a note too.


Choose your groups on Timetable and Calendar:

You can choose which group you want to be displayed in your schedule and calendar. If you have a group shared with other teachers, you can decide it not to be displayed in your schedule or calendar. 

To set this you can go to Settings and on Calendars click on the option Groups to show in Timetable and Calendar.


In the modal window that will pop up with the list of all the groups, you only need to deselect those groups you want to hide, as all the groups would be displayed by default. Shared groups are marked so that you can identify them.


The groups you have chosen to hide won’t be displayer neither in the schedule, the monthly and weekly calendar, nor in the general scheduling option.

Set your holidays:

You can set your holidays easy, here you have the required steps: 

First of all, go to Settings, and you'll find a Holidays section with the option Configure holidays, click on it: 

Then, go to + button to add your holidays. A new window will pop up so that you can define the name for your holidays and the Starting date and Ending Date:

Save changes and your holidays have been established!