Attendance report

From the centers panel, the IT administrator or school director, has an overview of the presence and absence of all the students.

When accessing the base group, push the icon that appears right to the student's name. Once you did this, select the option 'Attendance report'.


From this moment on, you can access all the attendance information of this student from all it's different groups.


By clicking on the icon that appears right next to the pupil's name, you will get a resume of all the relevant attendance information.


By clicking on the 'Actions' button, you will be able to select a date you want to check the attendance of.


The lateral arrows on the right make it possible to consult the attendance of each student individually.

NOTE: In order for the attendance to appear in the report of the base group, it is necessary that the students have the same identification number in both Additio and the base group.

Attendance group report: 

Access to the base group and select” Reports” option. Then, select: “Attendance report”.. 

Then,  you will see all the types of attendance and a graph of your students on a period so that you have a more visual view of the situation of the students in this group. You can also justify the absences of the students so that it is modified in the teacher's lessons and in that way everyone is informed: Justify absences of attendance

At any time, you can filter what types of attendance that you want to view and you can choose the date range. To make this configuration you just have to click the "Actions" option that appears at the top, and "Edit attendance" then, select those items that you want to show.

You will be able to have an attendance count by clicking the Attendance Count option that appears in actions.

By clicking on the Export option that appears at the top, you will be able to have a CSV document of the Attendance count.